Vidos Blog

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ID Basics
6 min read

Privacy-Preserving Technologies in Digital ID

In an era of digital identity, privacy-preserving technologies like Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Homomorphic Encryption, and Decentralized Identifiers ensure secure, user-controlled personal data management, balancing privacy and functionality.
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9 min read

Simplified Decentralized Identity Stack with Vidos and Privado ID

Our partnership with Privado ID streamlines digital identity solutions for developers, offering easy API access, reduced development time, and scalable, system-agnostic integration.
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ID Basics
12 min read

Verified Credentials and Digital Signatures

Let's get down to basics by learning more about Digital Signatures and how they are impacting the world of Digital Identity.
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ID Basics
10 min read

The Responsibility of Owning Your Digital Identity

Web3 empowers users with ownership and control of personal data, shifting away from the Web2 model where big tech companies exploited it. However, with this power comes the responsibility of securing and managing digital identities.
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eIDAS Deep Dive: The Evolution of Digital Identity in Europe

Discover how the EU's eIDAS2 regulation mandates decentralized identity and digital wallets, enhancing data control, security, and privacy for individuals and businesses. Learn how this will revolutionize digital interactions and reduce fraud.
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The EUDI Wallet: What It Means for European Citizens

Discover how the EUDI Wallet is transforming digital identity in the EU, offering unmatched security, privacy, and convenience for citizens across all member states.
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Social Media
8 min read

Unmasking the Threat of Deepfakes and Fake News

As we navigate the complex landscape of digital interactions, the adoption of DIDs and VCs serves as a pivotal step towards fortifying the veracity of information and preserving the integrity of expertise on social media platforms.
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The Evolution of Digital Identity

In the last 30 years, online identities have evolved to become more secure, reliable, efficient and user friendly. But what next?
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eIDAS Deep Dive: The Impact of Digital Identity

By 2026, eIDAS2 will mandate digital identity wallets for EU citizens, businesses, and governments, enhancing security, privacy, and efficiency across public services, education, employment, banking, healthcare, and eCommerce.
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eIDAS Deep Dive: How you can prepare

Prepare for eIDAS2 by understanding the regulation, identifying opportunities and risks, prioritizing use cases, defining requirements, deciding to build or buy, and launching iteratively.
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