About Us

Discover how we're redefining identity management and why our mission matters to you. Dive deeper to learn about the vision, values, and innovations that drive us forward.
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The Future of Digital Identity

At Vidos, we see a future where digital identities are not just secure, user-controlled, and interoperable, but also foundational to powering the next generation of the internet. In this evolving digital landscape, trust becomes increasingly crucial.

We envision a world where individuals have seamless and private access to services, organisations can verify identities and credentials with confidence and ease, and trusted digital interactions form the backbone of our online experiences.

This vision is already becoming reality as decentralised identities and verifiable credentials revolutionise trust across industries. We're entering an era where seamless cross-border identity verification is becoming a cornerstone of global commerce. Forward-thinking regulations like eIDAS v2 are catalysing the adoption of advanced identity standards. Enterprises are embracing solutions that unite traditional systems with cutting-edge identity models, paving the way for more secure, efficient, and user-centric digital interactions.

Through our robust identity solutions, we actively shape a more trustworthy internet ecosystem where secure, verifiable identities enable new possibilities for digital engagement and innovation. This transformation is not just about technology – it's about creating a digital world built on trust, privacy, and user empowerment.

Why We Built Vidos

We created Vidos to address the complex challenges faced by organisations in an increasingly decentralised digital world. Those in sectors like finance, healthcare, education, and government require robust, scalable, and compliant identity verification solutions. These organisations often struggle with fragmented identity landscapes, interoperability issues between different systems, and the need to balance innovation with regulatory compliance.

Vidos bridges these gaps, offering a unified platform that simplifies the complexities of modern digital identity while meeting the stringent security and compliance requirements of enterprise customers.

Our Mission

Vidos powers secure, seamless digital interactions through its robust, scalable, and interoperable layer for identity & credential services.

We bridge the gap between traditional systems and the new world of user-centric identity, enabling efficient & compliant identity verification across all major ecosystems and regulatory frameworks. Our goal is to empower organisations to leverage the full potential of decentralised identity and verifiable credentials, driving innovation while ensuring trust and compliance.

Our Experience

Since 2018, our team at Vidos has been at the forefront of decentralised identity innovation, running production systems for hundreds of thousands of identities. We bring together a wealth of expertise spanning cloud computing, enterprise-grade technologies, blockchain, and web development. Our experience uniquely positions us to navigate the complex landscape of digital identity.

Our mindset helps us continuously innovate and remain committed to creating secure, scalable, and user-friendly solutions that empower businesses and individuals in the rapidly evolving digital world.

Our Values

Our values reflect how we approach our work and, as a result, extend to our customers, shaping the solutions we provide and the partnerships we build.

Interoperability: We recognise the diversity of digital identity requirements and support a wide spectrum of identity standards and methods, to enable frictionless verification across diverse ecosystems.

Security and Compliance: We empower our customers to navigate complex regulatory environments with confidence. Our commitment starts with our own operations, certified to ISO27001 standards, and extends through our platform, supporting compliance with regulations like eIDAS v2 and GDPR.

Practical Innovation: We focus on groundbreaking advancements that offer immediate, tangible value for our customers who are at the forefront of digital identity evolution.

Enterprise-Grade Reliability: We optimise our platform for high performance, availability, and scalability, providing a robust foundation for mission-critical identity verification needs.

Adaptability: Our solutions seamlessly integrate with both established and emerging identity systems, enabling enterprises to modernise their identity strategies at their own pace.

Privacy-Centric Design: Our approach prioritises data minimisation and user privacy, ensuring our solutions protect both enterprises and their end-users.

Operational Efficiency: Our platform is designed to reduce complexity and costs, maximising the business value of decentralised identity-based solutions.

Trusted Partnership: We offer deep expertise and ongoing support, serving as a strategic advisor to organisations, helping them navigate the evolving digital identity landscape.