Vidos Universal Resolver

The Vidos Universal Resolver is a tool that allows users to resolve decentralized identifiers (DIDs) across various blockchain networks. It is designed to work with multiple DID methods, providing a unified interface for developers to interact with DIDs. The resolver can be integrated into applications, including React apps, and offers API access for resolving DIDs programmatically.
MacBook mockup

Resolve via API

Rather than building and maintaining new DID Method resolvers, simply make an API call.

Support Multiple Methods

Easily switch between DID Methods, chains, and systems. The flexibility is yours.

Fully Customizable

Configure your own policies, regions, and methods.

Get started


Everything you need to know about the tool. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

Q: Why should I use the Vidos Universal Resolver?

Vidos Universal Resolver provides developers with a simple, fully managed, high-performance DID resolution service that resolves DIDs across different DID methods, as per the W3C DID Core and DID Resolution specifications, producing conforming DID documents.

Q: Can I create multiple universal resolvers?

Yes, with Vidos Universal Resolver, you can create multiple resolves and configure them independently.

Q: What are the benefits of the Vidos Universal Resolver in my application?

The Vidos Universal Resolver ensures applications can resolve DIDs quickly, and provides a high degree of control and visibility over DID resolution, with access to logs, user operations, and error monitoring.

Q: What is decentralized identifier (DID) resolution?

Decentralized identifier (DID) resolution is the process of obtaining a DID document and supporting metadata for a given DID. Vidos Universal Resolver returns a resolution response based on the DID's method specification.

Q: Which DID methods does the resolver support?

The resolver supports a comprehensive range of DID methods, including: pkh, web, polygonid, plc, oyd, key, jwk, ion, ethr, ens, ebsi and cheqd.

Q: Does the Vidos Universal Resolver conform to the W3C standards?

Yes, Vidos Universal Resolver follows the standards layed out in the W3C DID Core and DID Resolution specifications, producing conforming DID resolution responses.

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